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Many sisters on our site search for a spouse and decide to not use their wali. That is their choice however there is a reason why Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) instructed for women to use their Wali. We have recorded a webinar explaining the importance of using a Wali and we strongly recommend you listen to it.
Allah SWT in all His wisdom has placed extra care and protection for a woman in Islam by giving the men in her life special roles and duties to fulfil. This webinar Importance of Mahrs, Mahrams and Walis focuses on those key areas of care and protection:
- the Mahr which needs to be paid by her husband to her during/after the marriage contract
- The Mahram - the male who cannot marry her and therefore acts as her protector in life
- The Wali - her appointed guardian who is entrusted with ensuring her marriage to the most suitable spouse takes place by listening and understanding her wants and needs and facilitating the process.
Enjoy the webinar and stay safe and protected!
More information on using a Wali: Importance of a Wali
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