PureMatrimony.com accepts payments in the following methods:
- Credit card
- Cheque/Postal Order
- Bank Transfer
- Once you have logged in to your account please visit the Account Upgrade screen (http://www.purematrimony.com/upgrade.php) to select your desired package and proceed with payment. You can also use the currency conversion link to get the exact amount you will need to pay.
Paying by Credit Card
From the payment screen you can select 'Buy now' to pay by credit card.
Paying by Cheque
Please see the Account Upgrade screen to select a desired package and see the cost, and then make a cheque payable to "TSQ Media" for the specified amount. Please remember to quote your user name, email address and any voucher code you have used on the back, and then send it to:
Pure Matrimony
Carlisle Business Centre
Carlisle Road
West Yorkshire
When you have made your payment, please email us to our Help Desk with the following details so that we can activate your membership.
1. Full name and surname
2. Username
3. Email address
4. Amount paid
5. Currency paid in
6. Package chosen
7. Discount code used if any (optional).
8. Payment method
9. Proof of Payment
If you fail to inform us that you have paid your membership will not be activated.
Paying by Bank Transfer
Please see the Account Upgrade screen to select a desired package and see the cost, and transfer the appropriate amount to the following account:
Account Name: TSQ Media Ltd
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-27-29
Account No: 61716468
Swift: MIDLGB22
IBAN Code: GB58MIDL40272961716468
Country: United Kingdom
When you have made your payment, please email us to our Help Desk with the following details so that we can activate your membership.
1. Full name and surname
2. Username
3. Email address
4. Amount paid
5. Currency paid in
6. Package chosen
7. Discount code used if any (optional).
8. Payment method
9. Proof of Payment
If you fail to inform us that you have paid your membership will not be activated.
If you wish to pay by a method which is not available in your country at the moment then please pay by any of the alternative methods above.
All our payment methods are listed on our Upgrade page.
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